Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Summary, Citation, and Signal Phrase (3-14-07)

David Ehrenfeld, a professor of biology at Rutgers University puts forth that a possible way to conserve certain endangered or at-risk species would be to take genes from one organism and introduce them into another organism. The risks for such procedures are not currently known, there may be some degeneration or some other negative effect that could affect such modified organisms. One of the risks involved includes modified or transplanted genes transferring into the original population. Another risk is the potential for abuse in biological weaponry.

Ehrenfeld, David. "Transgenics and Vertebrate Cloning as Tools for Species Conservation."
Conservation Biology os 20.3 (2006): 723-732. Biology Digest. Karl E. Mundt Library, Madison.
16 Mar. 2007. Keyword: genetically modified organisms.


Deana said...

Since it isn't quite complete, I can just offer some general feedback. The source looks credible, which is good. Since it is from a credible source, it is most likely that the author is an expert in the field; if so, be sure to open with a clear signal phrase that highlights this expertise.

Casey said...

Thanks for the feedback, I entered a signal phrase. :)

Deana said...

You're welcome! The signal phrase looks good. It helps signal the reader that you've found a good source.