Friday, March 16, 2007

Assignment 1

Possible Subjects:
Human Cloning
Human Stem Cell Research
Genetically Modified Organisms
Gene Therapy
Therapeutic Cloning
Reproductive Cloning

Chosen Subjects:
Human Cloning, Human Stem Cell Research, Genetically Modified Organisms

Research Questions:
Is human cloning ethical? Is it responsible?
Is human stem cell research ethical? Is it responsible?
Are genetically modified organisms safe? What is known/unknown about these organisms.

Human cloning is the reproduction of a human being by injecting a single cell from one human into a human egg that has had its genetic material removed. This creates an exact copy of the first human.
Human stem cell research is using stem cells (which can develop into other cell types) in research to fight diseases such as Parkinson's. The controversy surrounding this issue is that some of the most useful stem cells come from human fetuses, and these cannot be collected without harm to the fetus.
Genetically modified organisms are already being used for food. They are simply organisms that, through one method or another, have had their genetics modified to serve a better purpose as food. We don't know all the risks, or even all of the implications of doing so.

Genetically Modified Organisms
Ehrenfeld, David. "Transgenics and Vertebrate Cloning as Tools for Species Conservation."
Conservation Biology os 20.3 (2006): 723-732. Biology Digest. Karl E. Mundt Library, Madison.
16 Mar. 2007. Keyword: genetically modified organisms.

1 comment:

Deana said...

It seems like you have a lot of interests. Any of these topics should work well for this assignment.